Geographic Areas
About this site…
This website uses CDS/ISIS as backend database
This site has been developed with financial support from Ministry of Environment and Forests (Govt. of India)
Photo credits: Dr Sayeeda Wafar (from NIO’s Image gallery)
For comments and suggestions: [email protected]
Biology & Ecology
There are large number of studies on the biology and/or ecology of the Indian mangroves. They have been grouped under:
Biology: General aspects of biology and the items which can’t be classed in any one of following.
Distribution: Quantified/identified distribution of identified flora and faunaTaxonomy and Morphology: Include taxonomy, identification, nomenclature, new taxa, new records, check lists, morphology, anatomy, cytology, ultrastructure, etc.Physiology and Biochemistry: Include physiology, biochemistry, biophysics, metabolism, respiration, cytochemistry, histochemistry, etc.Reproduction and Development: Include pollination, germination, gametogenesis, sporogenesis, embryology, fertilization, mutation,etc.Genetics and Evolution: Include heredity, nucleic acids, genes, genomes, genotypes, chromosomes, karyology, ploidy, mutation, hybridization, etc. including speciation and bioselection
Ecology: General category when the item can’t be placed in one ecological aspectEnergetics: Include energy cycles, biogeochemical cycles, food chains and webs, energy flow through populations, communities and ecosystems, nutrition and feeding habits, and utilization of foodProductivity studies: Related to primary and secondary production, turnover rates, algal blooms, seasonal changes in production, etc.Palaeontology: The aspects related to fossil forms and geological studies
Use the drop down lists at the top of the page for your interests and choice. On clicking the title from output, you would be directed to the flora and fauna that has been studied.
funded by

Ministry of Environment and Forests,
Government of India
maintained by

National Institute of Oceanography,
Dona Paula, Goa, India
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